9 Quotes & Sayings By Faith Mckay

Faith McKay is a bestselling author, columnist and the founder of the Lifestyle Coach Academy. She is a dynamic speaker and writer who hosts an entertaining and informative radio show. Faith has been featured in numerous media outlets including Oprah, Fox News, The Today Show, Ladies Home Journal, Clean Eating Magazine, Woman's World Magazine and more. Faith is a sought-after keynote speaker and a national expert on health and wellness Read more

It hurt like hell, but at least it felt true. Her mind could settle into that pain. Faith McKay
No matter what your family happens to be like, it affects you, affects who you are. It matters. Faith McKay
I don't know how magical GPS works. I don't want to mess with the signal. Faith McKay
I think everyone should have a problem with zombies on fire. Faith McKay
Clear skin, a manicure, a couple dead zombies, and then fame! Faith McKay
He's barely said anything and I already know this guy is gross, ' she told the girls. 'If the zombies come at us, we feed them him first. Faith McKay
Zombies weren't the true plague of the world, laziness was. Faith McKay
She hated seeing monsters smile. Monsters should growl and snarl and be done with the pretenses. Faith McKay